- Evolution, Ecology and Behavior with Stephen C. Stearns
- Three waves of evolutionary thought
- Evolution as a general framework
- Är evolutionen över för oss?
- Livets ursprung
- Från bakterie till människa
- The Genographic Project
- The story of inheritance
- Naturens stora samspel
- How culture drove human evolution
- Changing environment drove human evolution
- Evolution of intelligence
- Human evolution enters a new exciting phase
- Past 5000 years of human evolution
- Världens historia, del 1 och 6
- Människans ursprung
- Darwin Online
- Why is Darwins theory still so controversial?
- Don't trust your stone age brain
- Evolution 101
- Born good? Babies help unlock the origins of morality
- Moral behavior in animals
- Selfish genes
- The empathic civilization
- Brain plus Brawn
- Egoism, skvaller och hjälpsamhet
- Tävling eller samarbete?
- Människans blodiga historia
- The false allure of group selection
- Natural selection on multiple levels
- E.O. Wilson interview
- Competition between species can stabilize public-goods cooperation within a species
- Jordens snällaste apa
- Scientists Probe Human Nature
- Evolutionary psychology?
- Are Babies Born Good?
- Nackdelar med större hjärna
- Are we born with a sense of fairness?
- Varifrån kommer känslor?
- Context shapes cognitive development
- Awaiting a new Darwin
- The evolutionary psychology of humans
- Darwin was wrong about dating
- Gray lady dumps Darwin
- Evolutionary biology for the 21st century
- Varifrån kommer känslor och värderingar?
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